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Visjon Biologics Exceed superior legume inoculants


Click on Your Crop Below To See Our Compatible Exceed Inoculant Products.

Rhizobia are legume specific. Listed below are species of rhizobia and the species they nodulate.For more information, please contact a Visjon Biologics representative.

Treats all varieties of soybeans

(Glycine max, Glycine soja)

Available in Exceed® SAR Liquid, 500XR Liquid, Traditional Liquid, Granulated Peat, Powdered Peat and Stic

Treats all varieties of the following crops:



Adzuki bean

Alyce clover

Black eyed peas


Clay peas




False blue indigo

Hair indigo
Iron peas

Jack bean

Joint vetch

Kangaroo thorn

Korean lespedeza


Lima beans

Mung beans

Partridge pea


Pigeon pea
Pink eyed purple hull pea Sericea lespedeza


Slender bushclover

Striped crotolaria

Sunn crotolaria

Sunn hemp

Tepary bean

Velvet bean

Wild indigo

Winged bean

Winged crotolaria

Available in Exceed® Traditional Liquid, Grower Select Liquid, Granulated Peat, Powdered Peat and Stic

Treats all varieties of the following crops:


Austrian winter pea

Chickling vetch

Common vetch

Faba bean

Field pea

Flat pea
Garden pea

Hairy vetch


Manantha vetch

Narrowleaf vetch

Purple vetch
Rough pea

Specter pea

Sweet pea

Tangier pea

Trapper pea

Available in Exceed® Traditional Liquid, Frozen Concentrate, Granulated Peat, Powdered Peat and Stic

Treats all varieties listed in the following groups:   Alfalfa/Sweet Clover and True Clover.

Available in Exceed® Clay and Powdered Peat

Treats all varieties of both narrow-leaf and broad-leaf Bird’s-foot.

Available in Exceed® Powdered Peat

Treats all varieties of Crownvetch.

Available in Exceed® Powdered Peat

Treats all varieties of Arrowleaf including  Yuchi, Meechi, Apache, and Amclo.

Available in Exceed® Powdered Peat

Treats all varieties of the following crops:


Black beans

Cranberry beans

Field or Canning beans

Garden/String beans

Great Northern beans

Kidney beans

Navy beans

Pink beans
Snap beans

Wax beans

Pinto beans

Scarlet Runner beans

Available in Exceed® Granulated Peat, Powdered Peat and Stic

Treats all varieties of garbanzo and chickpeas.

Available in Exceed® SAR Liquid, Granulated Peat, Powdered Peat and Stic

Treats all varieties of the following crops:



Bitter clover

Black medic

Button clover

California bur-clover

Hubam sweetclover

Little bur-clover

Snail bur-clover

Spotted bur-clover
Tifton bur-clover

Tubercle bur-clover

Yellow alfalfa

Yellow sweetclover

Available in Exceed® Clay and Powdered Peat

Treats all varieties of the following crops:


Alsike clover

Ball clover

Berseem clover

Bigflower clover

Carolina clover

Cluster clover

Crimson clover
Hop clover

Hungarian clover

Ladina red clover

Large hop clover

Persian clover

Puff clover

Rabbitfoot clover
Red clover

Seaside clover

Small hop clover

White clover

Zigzag clover

Available in Exceed® Clay and Powdered Peat

Treats all varieties listed in the following groups:  Peanut, Pea Vetch & Lentil, and Dry Bean.

Treats all varieties of Blue lupine, Sundial, Washington lupine, Field lupine, Yellow lupine and White lupine.

Available in Exceed® Powdered Peat

Treats all varieties of Sainfoin.

Available in Exceed® Powdered Peat

Treats all varieties of Subterranean Clover and Rose Clover.

Available in Exceed® Powdered Peat

Treats a variety of crops. See label for list.

Active Ingredients: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens  and Bacillus megaterium

CROPS: Corn, Soybean, Alfalfa, Turf Grass

Active Ingredients: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens  and Bacillus methylotrophicus

CROPS: Turf, Corn, Soybean, Wheat,
Rice, Sorghum, Cotton, Alfalfa

Active Ingredients: Trichoderma viride and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

CROPS: Soybean, Lentil, Field Pea, Garbanzo Bean, Dry Bean, Sunflower, Sugar Beet

Active Ingredients: Trichoderma viride and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

CROPS: Corn, Cotton, Sorghum, Canola

Active Ingredients: Trichoderma viride and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

CROPSBarley, Oats, Rye, Spelt, Wheat

Active Ingredients: Trichoderma viride and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

CROPS: Alfalfa, Clover


Other Biologicals by crop
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